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GSatTrack How to Series: Walkthrough

GSatTrack now has an in-app walkthrough, and Scott shows us how to find it after a user's first time logging in. It's part of a help suite that's constantly getting new updates.


GSatTrack How to Series: Modes

Scott walks us through the two different Map View modes (Live and History) and how to toggle between them. The two different map modes give users the ability to change the asset data they're monitoring to display the most pertinent information, and to give users another means of reviewing specific segments of past...


Discovering GSatTrack - Common Questions

I have heard of GSatTrack, but can you tell me how it came about?

Hardware manufacturers of telematics or tracking devices often sell their hardware along with their own software service to allow you to manage and control the feeds of information being processed through their device. The ongoing advancements of...


GSatTrack How to Series: Notification Boxes

Scott shows us the Notification Boxes in the List Panel and how they can be used to understand what's going on with Assets at a glance. These indicators make it much easier for Asset managers of large ecosystems to quickly focus on the things that are most pertinent.


GSatTrack How to Series: Add Geofence

Scott walks us through two methods of adding Geofences to the portal. Geofences are an advanced tool that support a number of high-level monitoring and reporting features.


GSatTrack How to Series: Add Journey

Scott walks us through the process of creating Journeys. Journeys are interesting tools that allow users to see segments of data on the map outside of the date range in Live Mode or History Mode. For more detailed information on Journeys, check out this article.


GSatTrack How to Series: Add Place

Scott walks us through one of the methods for Adding Places to the GSatTrack portal. Places are saved points of interest and can be used with other features like routing, Alerts, and Geofences.


GSatTrack How to Series: Add Asset Group

Scott shows us how to add Asset Groups to GSatTrack. Groups are convenient sorting containers for larger Asset ecosystems, and can be used in conjunction with a number of other features. Assets can be in multiple Groups, and understanding the power of the Group feature is often the difference between standard...


GSatTrack How to Series: Add Asset

Scott walks us through the process of adding Assets to GSatTrack, which is the building block of the data ecosystem. Anything that sends data to the portal is an Asset, so knowing how to add them to the portal is critical.


GSatTrack How to Series: Add Item

Scott shows us the building block of any GSatTrack ecosystem: the Add Item module. Anytime a user wishes to add anything to the portal, they can do so with the options in the Add Item menu.


GSatTrack How to Series: Quick Actions

Scott walks us through the Quick Actions in the Dot Menus, which you can find on each of the Modules that display the Map View. Quick Actions help users perform the more common portal activities with fewer clicks and (most of the time) without leaving their current view, and simplify some processes even further...


2020 Looks Good for GSE

Insert Vision 2020 Dad Joke Here GSE product teams are incredibly excited about 2020 projects

2019 was a huge year for GSatTrack, as the long-awaited launch of sweeping updates to the industry-leading telematics portal went live in Q1, and our transition to the new interface and experience went exceptionally well....


GSatTrack How to Series: Edit Asset

Scott shows us how to edit the properties of any Asset in the portal.


GSatTrack How to Series: Status Icons and Legend

Scott shows us a resource that identifies the various Status iconography that exists throughout the Map View. The Icon Legend exists in the Map Tools bar in the upper right corner of the interface.


GSatTrack Feature Guide: Journeys

Feature Overview

The Journeys feature gives users the ability to save segments of their assets’ position report history as a viewable element that can be displayed on the Live and History views as well. Journeys are collections of Trips, which are individual reporting history segments that are defined by the user....


GSatTrack Feature Guide: Shared Views

Feature Overview

The Shared View feature provides account holders with a much more intuitive means of sharing data with non-portal users. Giving the account holder the ability to limit the visibility of data to specified Assets, Places, Geofences, Drivers, and date ranges, Shared Views provide complete control over...


GSatTrack How to Series: Messaging

GSatTrack's messaging features are a great way to maximize the functionality of your ecosystem's devices that also support two-way messaging. Scott shows us exactly how these features work in this short video.


GSatTrack How to Series: Send Command

GSatTrack's Send Command feature allows you to manage and configure your devices over the air, in real time, without the need for programming or technical knowledge. Scott walks us through the feature and its applications.


GSatTrack How to Series: Delete an Asset

Deleting Assets from the portal is not recommended, as there will be no way to get the deleted entity's position history back, but in the event you need to do so, Scott's here to show you the moves to make that happen.


GSatTrack How to Series: Logs

Logs are a great way to get data from individual assets without having to run a report. Scott walks us through the Log options available directly in the Live and History views.




Have any questions?

We understand there are problems that cannot be solved by a product-in-a-box. If you have special requirements for your project, please contact us and we will provide you with a custom solution tailor-fit to your needs.