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Case Study 

GSatTrack provides features beyond AIS tracking

GSatTrack by Global Satellite Engineering

About GSatTrack

GSatTrack is a web based integrated satellite and GSM tracking solution, compatible with modern web browsers and works on a multilingual platform that brings together all the positions of every manufactured product under one location displaying and managing them in a single unified interface. With GSatTrack, asset locations and movements - including position, speed, altitude and heading - are tracked in real-time worldwide via GPS updates.

Global AIS Tracking Patterns

The Customer Situation

A maritime company specializing in commercial fishing wanted the ability to monitor their ships behavior in real time around the globe and not just in port. They also wanted the ability to have two way communication for pushing information during storms and in case of an emergency.

Regional AIS Tracking Patterns

The Challenge

The maritime company was using free AIS services required by government regulations to track their vessels while in port. These services offered tracking but lacked a global solution and did not allow for two way communication. Instead once vessels extended beyond 20 or 30 miles of port the AIS services ceased to report accurately. The free AIS service also did not allow 3rd parties to view the information in real time. This meant that the home office as well as families of the crews were not always informed of immediate information especially during emergencies.

AIS Commercial Fishing

The Solution

The GSatTrack tracking portal is a completely hardware agnostic solution. This meant in most cases it was able to interact with technologies already aboard the maritime vessels like VSAT or BGAN terminals. This translated to cost savings for the maritime company as new hardware wasn’t needed to achieve their goal of tracking beyond port and two way communication.

Still, in some cases, the maritime company opted for a more robust solution. Utilizing devices like Skywave’s IDP-690 coupled with temperature sensors, the maritime company was able to monitor their fleets’ refrigeration units remotely. This information was gathered utilizing GSatTrack and then sent to the maritime company’s private servers as well as supplied with custom reports.

GSatTrack by Global Satellite Engineering

The Result

The maritime company was able to build a solution that provided the greater tracking area they were looking for. The tracking answer also provided two way communication through GSatTrack. This allowed the maritime company to build customized reports that helped minimize loss and gather information that far exceeded the standard location and heading provided by AIS technology. The new GsatTrack solution even provided a means for the maritime company to offer a way for family members of the crew to know their location at all times. The final result was a well-rounded solution that saved the company money through greater knowledge, allowed for greater security through constant monitoring and gave even more benefit to the company and crew overall.

About the Author
Scott Walters
Global Account Manager

Scott Walters is a business professional with over 25 years of technology based experience and has demonstrated success as a manager and team leader with an emphasis on account management, logistics, team building and multitasking effectively within a high-stress, goal oriented environment.

Contact Scott Walters at

More Information

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